Resize Handles

By default, circular resize handles are used to resize the box. These handles are ideal for accessibility and can be modified to create any type of resize handles.

Use handleTapSize to change the size of the invisible interactive gesture area that is used to resize the box. The handle tap size is always larger than the handle to improve accessibility.

Changing handleTapSize does not change the size of the handle UI.
Custom sized default handles
    rect: rect,
    flip: flip,
    handleTapSize: 34,
    onChanged: (event) {...},
    contentBuilder: (context, rect, flip) {...},

You can customize the default handles or build your own handles using the cornerHandleBuilder and sideHandleBuilder properties in the TransformableBox constructor. They both provide access to the BuildContext and HandlePosition of the appropriate handle.

You can use HandleAlignment on TransformableBox to change the position of the handle's interactive area. By default, the interactive area is aligned to the center of box corner/side.

Putting handle completely inside the box area
    rect: rect,
    flip: flip,
    handleAlignment: HandleAlignment.inside,
    onChanged: (event) {...},
    contentBuilder: (context, rect, flip) {...},

Handle visibility#

By default, handles will be hidden when resizable is set to false.

Using the resizable boolean to hide handles
    rect: rect,
    flip: flip,
    resizable: false,
    onChanged: (event) {...},
    contentBuilder: (context, rect, flip) {...},

You can alternatively selectively hide handles by providing your own visibleHandles set.

Using the visibleHandles set to hide handles
    rect: rect,
    flip: flip,
    visibleHandles: {HandlePosition.right, HandlePosition.bottom, HandlePosition.bottomRight},
    onChanged: (event) {...},
    contentBuilder: (context, rect, flip) {...},

Handle Interaction#

You can selectively disable handles but keep them visible at the same time by providing your own enabledHandles set.

Using the enabledHandles set to disable handles
    rect: rect,
    flip: flip,
    enabledHandles: {HandlePosition.right, HandlePosition.bottom, HandlePosition.bottomRight},
    onChanged: (event) {...},
    contentBuilder: (context, rect, flip) {...},
You can provide an empty set to disable all the handles but keep them visible and vice versa.

Customizing the default handles#

By default, TransformableBox uses DefaultCornerHandle and DefaultSideHandle to build the handles. You can customize the default handles by providing a custom decoration and size to the DefaultCornerHandle and DefaultSideHandle constructors.

Custom sized default handles with rectangular shape
    rect: rect,
    flip: flip,
    cornerHandleBuilder: (context, handle) {
      return DefaultCornerHandle(
        handle: handle,
        size: 34,
        decoration: BoxDecoration(
          shape: BoxShape.rectangle,
    sideHandleBuilder: (context, handle) {
      return DefaultSideHandle(
        handle: handle,
        length: 34,
        thickness: 12,
        decoration: BoxDecoration(
    onChanged: (event) {...},
    contentBuilder: (context, rect, flip) {...},

Since, side handles are not square, you can use the length and thickness properties to customize the size of the side handles.

Custom Handles#

You can also use cornerHandleBuilder and sideHandleBuilder to build your own handles. You can use any widget to build the handles.

Using your own custom handles
    rect: rect,
    flip: flip,
    handleBuilder: (context, handle) {
      return MyCustomHandleWidget(handle: handle);
    onChanged: (event) {...},
    contentBuilder: (context, rect, flip) {...},

Angular Handles#

You can use AngularHandle to build angular handles that look like corner brackets.

Angular Handles
AngularHandle can render both corner handles and side handles.
Using angular handles
    rect: rect,
    flip: flip,
    handleAlignment: HandleAlignment.inside,
    cornerHandleBuilder: (context, handle) {
      return AngularCornerHandle(
        handle: handle,
        handleAlign: HandleAlign.inside,
    sideHandleBuilder: (context, handle) {
      return AngularSideHandle(
        handle: handle,
        handleAlignment: HandleAlignment.inside,
    onChanged: (event) {...},
    contentBuilder: (context, rect, flip) {...},

Use handleAlignment to align AngularHandle to the inside, outside or in the center of the box.

Angular Handle Alignements